Become a School Officer

Do you want to be a School Officer?

  • The School Officer role is an important one and can take about 40 hours a semester to fulfil. However, the University acknowledges that this is a substantial commitment and pays an honorarium of £150 twice a year.
  • Extensive accredited training and development of essential transferable skills; including meeting skills, policy development, negotiation, team working and communication skills.
  • Be part of a team that works closely together and has extensive support from the Union and the Schools.
  • Be one of the first to find out what is going on in your School.
  • Become familiar with senior University staff.
  • Help to makes things better for your fellow classmates and students in general.
  • Being part of the decision making processes of the Union and in particular helping to shape the policies on academic issues.
  • Being part of the wider volunteer team within the Union and benefitting from its Volunteer Support Programme – this includes nights out, training events and the Volunteer Oscars.
  • School Officers who are selected to be involved in the University’s internal review process will receive an additional payment for this, approximately £250.

What would I have to do?

  • Attend initial induction meeting with the Union and School staff
  • Attend weekly School Officer meetings (normally Monday 6pm-7pm)
  • Attend Student/Staff Liaison Committees (SSLC)
  • Attend School Learning and Teaching Committees (or equivalent)
  • Attend University meetings where student input is required
  • Attend a support appraisal at the start of semester 2

What would my responsibilites be?

You will need to be able to gather the opinion of a wide range of students on your course through working with Class Reps. This will mean you should be approachable and friendly and be able to listen well to a range of views and decide what appropriate action to take.

In order to be successful in the role you will need to be able to demonstrate good time keeping and organisational skills.

You will be attending a wide range of meetings including some with senior University staff. You should be able to process information and present clear arguments. The Union will help you develop confidence and negotiation skills during School Officer training.

You should be able to show commitment to the role and to gaining a better understanding of current issues in Higher Education.

How do we choose them?

Each School has at least one School Officer per department. You will fill in an application form, which will be be shortlisted by the Union and a staff member from your School and you may be invited for an interview.  
The interview is relatively informal, will last no more than half an hour, and will have a representative from both the Union and your School present.

If you have any questions you should contact Denise McCaig, Student Engagement Manager on; tel: 0131 451 5333, or in person in the Union.

Apply now!

Applications close on 27th April 2018

Click here to apply!

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