Who are we

Hi, I’m Kieran, and I’m your Vice-President Community. My role often gets referred to as Vice-President Fun as I’m the one that organises your Freshers Week and events throughout the year but my role is so much more than that!
As well as being here to help you organise Events or Activities, I’m also here to facilitate Volunteering and RAG efforts (Raising and Giving for charity), to help with Societies and Clubs, and to help out with any Housing or Transport issues you might run into. Basically, I’m here to make sure your student experience is the best experience it can be.
My remit may seem big, but thankfully, I have a team of fantastic Officers and Executives who will be working alongside me to help achieve these goals. Our biggest focus this year will be RAG and Volunteering; I'm hoping we can make this year the biggest year-to-date for charitable work because not only does giving back to those less fortunate help them, it also makes you feel good too!
We’ve got lots of Events already planned for this year, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled around campus and on our social media channels for updates and ticket info.
If you’ve any questions or ideas, regardless of whether it’s in my Remit, send me an email, find me on social media or catch me about campus – I’ll be about!