Week 5 news

Posted 99 Months Ago

This is a copy of the President's update that was sent out last week via e-mail 

We Are Your Business

It has been a busy week at the Student Union! This week saw the launch of our campaign (you may have noticed the posters!) and also the beginning of the run up to the Annual General Meeting on the 16th February. See more information at www.hwunion.com/agm.

We Are Your Friends

Did you know only less than 5% of care experienced individuals enter higher education? Who Cares? Scotland is coming to the Student Union to run a session on care experienced students on the 15th February from 1pm to 2.30pm and we still have some spaces free, so if you want to come along and get involved then please let Eloise know at Union.VPWellbeing@hw.ac.uk to sign up and help us break the stigma!

We Are Your Living Space

Live in Anna Macleod, Mary Fergusson or Muriel Spark Halls? Unhappy with the problems you’ve experienced since moving in? TAKE ACTION by submitting evidence of your problems – written accounts of your experience, videos and sound files of noisy radiators, pictures of ANYTHING – and send it to p.glynn@hw.ac.uk by 14/2/17. Take a look at https://www.hwunion.com/change-things/give-feedback for more information.

We Are Your Safety

The Women's Group have created a survey for all genders looking into how students feel about safety on campus; do you ever worry about your safety while studying? Is it something you worry about a lot? Have you experienced an unsafe situation during your time at university? Share as much as you feel and let us know what we can do to make you feel safer. surveyplanet.com/5889f7907d3df83315eddb1b

We Are Your Food

Mate, what about those food prices? I can tell you, the Principal and the Senior Management of the university are aware and there is now action. They are currently waiting on the suppliers of the new tills (which finally have contactless) to reintroduce the student prices, so keep your eyes peeled! Check out https://www.hwunion.com/change-thin... for more information.

We Are Your Opinion

The National Student Survey (NSS) is now live for all you final year students. Final year students should have received an e-mail from myself and the Principal about how Heriot-Watt University use this data to make things better for students.

We Are Your Study Space

The Library is getting a £6 million refurbishment, if you want to know more then please ask your School Officer. Don’t know who they are? Get their details at: www.hwunion.com/school-officer-list
So much information, eh? That is not all (did I hear gasps of “Surely not good sir?”). We’ve been putting out blog style posts this week on our social media from your Union officers - telling you all about what we’ve been doing for you. And there’s more to come!
Diarmuid SU President