Car Parking on Campus

Posted 79 Months Ago

The University recently decided to change overnight parking regulations on Campus without proper consultation with students. From Monday 10th September 2018, parking your car on campus overnight will require a permit.

For some students, this is not in their contract, and we have been promised that anyone who was issued a contract before these changes will have their contract honoured, and a permit issued. In your contract, check article 5.14. If it begins with ‘Not to block local roadways…’, you are eligible to apply for a permit outright. If it begins with ‘Not to bring or keep overnight…’, then these new rules will apply to you.

Vice-President Community Kieran Robson Renner has been fighting for a better deal for you and has pushed the University to move from a blanket ban with exemptions for Blue Badge holders to a scheme where permits will be issued on a circumstantial basis.

The University will issue permits to anyone that fit the below criteria:
• Blue Badge holders
• Students who may meet blue badge criteria – evidence 
must be provided
• Carers of dependent relative residing in halls
• Carers living in halls with a dependent relative away from campus
• Temporary injury limiting walking/movement (limited period) – evidence provided by GP/Uni Health Service

The Student Union has also pushed the University to agree to grant a permit to any student who would be ‘economically disadvantaged’ by not being allowed to keep their car on campus. This could relate to travel to and from a part-time job, or if regular travel home is much more costly via public transport. If by not having a car on campus, your financial situation would be affected, apply for a permit! Here's how:

For those of you with an old contract, beginning with "Not to block local roadways", send a scan or a digital copy of this contract to

For those of you with a new contract, beginning with "Not to bring or keep overnight", email and include your email address, phone number, car make, model and registration and car insurance policy number (to prove you are insured). List the reasons you have for needing a car, and ensure to accentuate that you rely on your car for financial reasons.

If you need help writing your application we can help you. IF YOU APPLY AND ARE DECLINED PLEASE LET US KNOW. We will use this information to build up a case to lobby the university further.

Get in touch via Kieran and we’ll try our best to make sure your Heriot-Watt experience is the best it can be.

Contact: Kieran Robson Renner, Vice-President Community -


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