Election Candidates 2015

Posted 122 Months Ago

The nominations have now closed, and we can announce the following candidates will be standing for election, to represent you, in the academic year 2015 / 16.

Voting in the Elections opens at 9am, Monday 9th March 2015.

President Rowan Berry
  Mian Faisal Akbar
  Hannah Frances
VP Community Miranda Matoshi
VP Support and E&D Sahara Choudhury
  Marc Long
VP SBC Peter Gilchrist
Executive Committee (5 places) Stephen Anderson
  Boye Asaba
  Rowan Berry
  Sheona Dorrian
  Craig Gillen
  Marc Long
  Samuel Makori
  Aditya Ravuri
Executive Committee (SBC) Abbie Keenan
Disabled Students Officer Stephen Anderson
  Francesca Smart
Congratulations to the following candidates who have been automaticall elected as they were unopposed:
Charities Officer Kealy Smith - Elected
Halls Officer Amiel Lopes - Elected
International Officer Qingfan Li - Elected
LGBT+ Officer Zoe Greener - Elected
Postgraduate Officer Jonathan Kean - Elected
Women's Officer Lamia Begic - Elected