International Student Walkout

Posted 114 Months Ago

This is a critical time for international students. The negativity the government and media outlets have generated towards migrants and international students in particular has resulted in the advancing changes to international student visas, access to education, employment and housing. As more international students face the reality of becoming refugees due to conflicts around the world and our rights as students continually diminish, this is our chance as students and activists to come together and learn more about these issues, develop vibrant campaigns and make our voices heard.

The anti-immigrant policies of this government have become intolerable. The difficulties faced by International students are not isolated but are part of a wider agenda to keep away migrants and pander to the far-right.

Students across the country have had enough and are going to take part in a one-day national day of walk-out on November 17 to highlight their dissatisfaction and anger with such policies.

This action is not only to stand in solidarity with international students, currently being mistreated in the UK, but aims to tackle the anti-immigration sentiment which is growing in Britain and has manifested itself in the government's response to the refugee crisis.

UK has to play its part in supporting and welcoming a much higher number of refugees. This, alongside recent proposed policies which will see all migrants, including international students, having a much tougher time in the UK are the main reasons students have decided to take action and show unprecedented solidarity with migrants.

There are a lot of links on the NUS website that give much more detail about the event:

Join the facebook event for more information nationally:

As an international student and an officer I think we should participate in such events to show support for the organisation that is standing up for our rights and this 17th is the perfect opportunity to do so. So join the facebook event and hashtag #Students4migrants and walk out of your class at 10.30 AM. Feel free to get in touch with me with any comments or ideas.

Do join us on November 17 and spread the word.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me:

Sam Hassan
International officer: