Motions of Censure
Posted 79 Months Ago
Written by Erin Brown
The Executive Committee met on Monday 24 September to consider two motions. The motions were:
- Motion to Censure Vice President Wellbeing
- Motion to Censure Welfare Executive
The motions were received after the Executive Committee meeting of 13th September after all officers gave a report on their actions over the summer. Following discussion some officers expressed concern about the performance of both the Vice President Wellbeing and Welfare Executive.
The Executive Committee this year has vowed to be more accountable to our students and to ensure that officers are delivering on their manifesto and agreed action plans. The motions to censure were put forward to hold these officers to account.
As a result of the motion, the union will arrange meetings between officers to talk about objectives, goals and future performance and accountability of the team. Executive Committee will continue to help and support one another to deliver for our members.
For more information please get in touch with Rah at