New hall problems - getting you compensation
Posted 99 Months Ago
The new halls of residence on campus haven't exactly got off to a smooth start...
Are you living in the new halls (Anna Macleod, Mary
Whilst it's great the University is building new accommodation and in theory, the new accommodation should be nice and shiny...there have been lots of teething problems with the new halls.
What we think
- The University should be held accountable for the unacceptable conditions you have faced in the new halls
- We understand that you're not satisfied with the £25 Tesco gift voucher already offered by the University
What we've done
- Your Student Union has been negotiating with the University to get you compensation
- Speaking to students affected in the new halls to build a picture of what's going on
What's happening now
- We're compiling a report to document the problems with the new halls so that we can collectively negotiate a compensation deal for you.
- We need your help
We need you and/or your family members to provide all the evidence you can of the issues you've experienced in your halls.
This evidence could be videos, photos, sound recordings or written accounts.
Evidence should be e-mailed to Polly Glynn, Student Union Activities Co-Ordinator at p.glynn@hw.ac.uk with the subject of 'Halls' by 14/2/17
We will use this information to push the university to reconsider its position on compensation. Please help us to make sure the university is held accountable.
I want to be more involved in helping the Union with this
- Please let Polly know in your e-mail
- Spread this message
with people in your halls. We'll be notifying them in due course.
Please send us your evidence to Polly Glynn, Student Union Activities Co-Ordinator at p.glynn@hw.ac.uk, with the subject of 'Halls' by 14/2/17
We are standing up for you.
We are your Student Union.