NUS Scotland Conference

Posted 97 Months Ago

This year’s National Union of Students Scotland Conference will be held this Friday and Saturday in Dundee. This will be where decisions will be made on the future work and direction of NUS Scotland.

Heriot-Watt University have five delegates who will be representing you, the students of Heriot-Watt University.

Diarmuid Cowan Eloise McNeaney Aoife Clarke Iain Lawson Craig Gillen

In order to be open and transparent we are holding an open meeting in Committee Room 1 in the Student Union between 12 and 2pm on Thursday 23rd March.

We know that not all our students can make it, so if you want to know more the conference documents and manifestos of those running for Officer positions can be accessed at: so if you are from Orkney or Galashiels or cannot make the meeting you can send you comments or views to me at


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