VP Community Update Feb 9
Posted 111 Months Ago
My name is Miranda and I’m your Vice-President Community. What does this mean? I work full time after having graduated from Heriot-Watt and I’m one of your representatives, specifically for the community on campus. This includes sitting on University Committee Meetings, ensuring decisions which are made by the University are in your best interests. Alongside this, I run Activities (societies, halls, charities), Events and any Campaigns that the Union is spearheading.
- I’ve been working with a student who has been spearheading an operation to increase the number of entrepreneurial opportunities and competitions on campus. We’re hoping to align all the different departments on campus who provide some kind of innovative service and find funding to have a hub for such things here in Riccarton. This would include helping students start their own businesses, compete in National events and more.
- Just finished Charities week which was eventful, I aided Sheona and Kealy who did a stellar job with the week, putting on a roster of different activities and events. We managed to raise over £1000 for a variety of charities so I’d like to thank everyone that came to the events and donated!
- Halls Parties recently have been doing pretty well, with roughly 200 people attending each time. The next one is on the 13/02/16 which will be a UV Toga Party with a Valentines twist so I’m looking forward to that!
- I’m helping a group of students put on another Freshers Ball which was a big hit last year, they organised it on their own and are seeking some support.
- It’s time for students to get registered to vote in the Scottish Elections, so we are promoting registration as much as possible – the deadline for registration is the 18th of April.
- 6 Nations is back on so I’ve been bouncing around ideas with bar staff and looking to promote the Rugby here in Geordies, especially now that Scotland are in with a shot!
I’ve met with a contact for a variety of venues in town ranging from bars, clubs and restaurants to see if there are any deals we can offer with kickbacks to student groups and societies if they are looking for events venues. The variety of spaces is quite good and it could save societies money when they are looking to host an event somewhere whilst generating some cash for the Union.