President Update Feb 9

Posted 111 Months Ago

Hello again! Seems like only last week I was working on my last update, not got quite as much to tell you this time but this is a round-up of what I’ve been doing:

  • Demonstrator Pay – Working with our PG Students Officer Jonathan, I put together a timeline of what exactly we’ve been doing to try to fix the issues of demonstrator pay at the University, and Jonathan presented this to the Research Student Coordinators Group at the most recent meeting. There is now another meeting of this group planned specifically for this issue, where hopefully we’ll be able to make even more headway!
  • School of Life Sciences – as most of you will know by now, the University Senate approved the proposed plans for the restructuring of SLS, which means the teaching and research it currently conducts will be moving to other schools. I put together a video to try to help reassure students, and point them in the right direction if they have any concerns or worries about it – check out the Union’s YouTube channel if you want to watch! As well as this, I organised a student forum for all SLS students on the 4th of February which I’ll tell you more about in my next update.
  • Learning & Teaching Oscars – Nominations are now OPEN! I’m very excited to start receiving nominations for your favourite lecturers, so make sure if you think yours is worthy that you head to the Union website and tell me about them! Nominations will close on the 11th March.
  • Design Projects – the redesign of Elements Café is very much still on the agenda, however at the moment I have no updates to give you. Another project is now underway to look at the main reception area of the University, which will hopefully make it more welcoming for you when you arrive in the mornings!
  • Graduate Attributes Project – did you know the University has four graduate attributes they hope you’ll have developed by the time you graduate? Our School Officers have been looking in to designs for how we might better present these to you, keep an eye out for them!
  • ELECTIONS ARE ALMOST UPON US! I have my work cut out for me at the moment, still updating and revitalising all of our election materials ready for our AGM on the 18th February. Videos have been filmed, and we have a great looking new election website to show you very soon – I’m sure you’ll agree it looks fab! Interested in standing for election? Get in touch! I’d love to chat to you about any questions you have!

Of course in between all this I’ve been attending plenty of meetings to keep up to date on what the University is up to, and all the while making sure your opinions are heard. If you want to grill me on anything I’m up to, or have a query about anything, make sure you get in touch on – speak soon! Hannah x