President Update Jan 25

Posted 111 Months Ago

Semester 1 was incredibly busy, with Fresher’s Week kicking things off I expected it to calm down when classes started – obviously I wasn’t quite so lucky. I managed to achieve a lot in the 14 weeks of semester time including a definite student steer on the redevelopment of the current Elements Café area, a strong representation to the university that our students would not be satisfied with the numerous timetabling problems and car parking shortage, and a clear outline of what students need to see from any plans to restructure the School of Life Sciences. My first couple of weeks back at work has been understandably busy, but here’s what I’m looking to work on at the moment/in the near future:

  • Just before Christmas, the Student Union was contacted by Edinburgh University Student Association’s VP Services about supporting a letter to the Scottish Parliament in regards to providing grants to asylum seekers. Our executive committee voted to support the cause, and so on Friday 15th January I attended a small lobby at Holyrood for the hand in of the letter. The students unions that have signed the letter collectively represent over 220,000 students across Scotland.
  • At present our postgrads aren’t paid as much as those at comparable higher education institutions, which doesn’t reflect the hard work and dedication they put in to their teaching, lab support and tutorials. Alongside the Student Union’s PG Officer and the Postgraduate Research representatives, I am now working with various key staff in the University to look at rectifying this issue.
  • The design specification for the upgrade to Elements Café has now been created, but I will continue to be involved in the project. In week 2 I’ll be meeting with the project team to see where to go next, and I’ll continue to push for the high quality study space students need.
  • Miranda (our VP Community) and I will be attending the first Senate meeting of the New Year at the end of January, at which proposals for the restructuring of the School of Life Sciences will be considered. We will continue to encourage the University to openly communicate this decision to both staff and students, and encourage them to address any concerns that may arise. Alongside this, I will be filming a brief message following the decision to ensure those of you who are unhappy or worried about the outcome can find support as you need it.
  • Following the changes to exam regulations, we heard that a lot of students were unhappy with the changes which seemed to bring about more disruption to your exams. I’m planning to work with Academic Registry and communicate these issues as soon as possible so that come the next examination diet, these problems will be a thing of the past.
  • Planning has already begun for the Student Union’s Learning & Teaching Oscars, which aim to recognise some of the outstanding work our teaching and support staff do. This year’s theme is international travel, drawing on culture from Scotland, Dubai and Malaysia to incorporate our five campuses. Nominations will open at the start of February, so get thinking about what academic & support staff have made a big difference to your time at Heriot-Watt!
  • Last but not least – ELECTIONS ARE ALMOST UPON US! I’ll be working on revamping all of our sources of information to ensure that you can find out what you need to consider standing for election! This includes looking at our website and filming a couple of things, hopefully all will be improvements! Interested in my job or another elected role at the Student Union? Get in touch!!

Hopefully all this will keep me busy! If you have any questions about what I’m working on, or if you’re interested in standing for election but want a bit more information, please get in touch! Come visit me at the Student Union or email me on

I hope semester two has gotten off to a great start for you! Best wishes, Hannah x