Statement of concern about Compulsory Redundancies
Posted 94 Months Ago
The Student Union would like to reiterate their concern over any move towards Compulsory Redundancies of staff. The Student Union firmly believe that Compulsory Redundancy would be damaging to the University. The negative impact on staff morale would have a detrimental impact on our students. The Student Union will continue to voice their concerns as is our right as an independent body. We have made our viewpoint clear at the highest levels of the University.
We will continue to work with the University and all the Trade Unions as and when required but our membership remains the student body of Heriot-Watt University.
This is a difficult time for everyone but we must highlight that the University is not closing or removing any discipline nor campus, as is the case for other institutions.
The University has not stated it will be enforcing Compulsory Redundancies and we reserve the right to review our position should the University’s position change. We will continue to be vigilant on the matter. We will continue to work with all parties to ensure that the best position is reached for all of Heriot-Watt University.
The Heriot-Watt University Student Union Executive