Statement Regarding Dr Dalgetty

Posted 117 Months Ago

On Friday 7th August the Student Union was made aware that the School of Life Sciences decided not to reappoint Dr Donna Dalgetty as Associate Professor in Biology following a change to her previous teaching role. The Student Union is extremely disappointed with the School Of Life Sciences decision and does not support this action in any way.

The Student Union strongly believes that Dr Dalgetty consistently upholds the standards and values of Heriot-Watt University in improving learning and teaching standards and supporting students’ learning.  We believe the decision by the School to let such a valued and valuable member of teaching staff go is unacceptable and goes against the University’s values in engaging and listening to students’ views.

The Student Union calls for a review in to the focus of learning & teaching within the School of Life Science, with a view to ensuring that outstanding lecturers such as Dr Dalgetty are not dismissed in the future. We believe Dr Dalgetty’s departure will have a damaging effect on the student learning experience and welfare within the School. Considering the decline in student satisfaction in the School the Student Union believes they have made the wrong decision in not continuing Dr Dalgetty’s employment. We believe that reemploying Dr Dalgetty within the school would drastically improve student morale, and the overall standards of the school.

Following the decision by the School, the Student Union understands that a large number of students are devastated at the news that Dr Dalgetty will no longer teach at Heriot-Watt University. The Student Union would like to express our support for those who wish to protest the decision peacefully, and urge those of you who wish to do so to contact us for any advice you need.  Additionally, we want to remind students that both the Student Union and our Advice Hub are here to support you should your face any problems during your time at Heriot-Watt.

The Student Union would like to wish Dr Dalgetty all the best in her future endeavours wherever she may end up, and would like to reiterate our unending gratitude for the support she’s given students and the Student Union during her time at Heriot-Watt. The Union is proud to award Dr Dalgetty an Honorary Lifetime Membership, as a small thank you for all her hard work and support.




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