Statement Regarding Officer Recall
Posted 114 Months Ago
Statement regarding the recall of the Executive Officer (Equality and Diversity) and his election to NUS Delegations
The Student Union has been made aware of correspondence issued to members in relation to the student action to recall the elected officer from his elected roles as Executive Officer (Equality and Diversity) and as an NUS National and NUS Scotland Delegate. The Student Union feels it has a duty to publically clarify its position on this matter.
Heriot-Watt University Student Union is a registered charity and treats its duties as a charity very seriously. The Union has its own governance structures that comply with our duties as a charity and observes these regulations rigorously.
The Student Union received a valid petition earlier in October that called on the Union to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting to recall the Officer from his elected roles. As per the Union regulations this meeting was called and took place on 26 October 2015. During the EGM the Union regulations were rigorously followed to ensure the meeting was conducted properly and provided a valid vote for the Union to action. This happened, and during the meeting the Officer resigned as Executive Officer (Equality and Diversity) so no vote was taken on this issue, he was however recalled by a student vote from his positions as an NUS National and NUS Scotland Delegate.
The Officer alleged that he has been denied a right to reply in this process. He addressed the meeting three times during this meeting. The Student Union maintains that the procedures of the organisation were adhered to and that the Officer was provided his right to reply at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 26 October 2015.
The Student Union cannot get involved or show partiality in respect of the election and deselection process. These matters, so long as carried out in accordance with our regulations, are entirely matters for the student body.
The Student Union continues to maintain this impartiality and advises any member who is concerned about their own rights to seek advice from University Student Services.
Stefan Kay
Chair of Trustee Board