Student Union statement on University's Voluntary Redundancy Scheme

Posted 98 Months Ago

We hope you have all seen the email from the Principal that recently went out to all students. If not then please go look at it.

The Student Union Sabbatical Officers had a meeting with the Principal and Senior Management of the University to discuss this matter and they have confirmed that there will be no closure of any campus. They have also stated that all possible care and diligence will be made to ensure that the experience of you, the students, will not be adversely affected. There will not be closure of any programmes for students either.

The aim of the voluntary redundancy scheme is to save on future, rather than current expenditure, but the University, with the Student Union keeping a careful watch on this, will strive to ensure that the impact is minimal.

We understand that the University is facing a difficult financial position and we will do all we can to ensure that you, the students, are not adversely affected by these changes.

The Student Union Executive


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