VP Wellbeing Update Jan 25

Posted 111 Months Ago

In the first two weeks of semester I have:

  • Organised Equality and Diversity Events in Refreshers Week:
    • Hub Meet and Greet to engage students in Refreshers Week events and Diversity Week
    •  Held a Feminism 101 forum open for all with speakers such as Talat Yaqoob and Alys from Engender
    • Organised and hosted the International Arts Event- filed with flag painting and make shift photo booth
    • Promoted Diversity events at Refreshers Fair
    • Attended the University Equality and Diversity Advisory Group where I presented a report and spoke about student issues- the things you wanted me to bring up were: the lack of feminine hygiene products and bins in university bathrooms, the need for gender neutral bathrooms, more Muslim Prayer Space, how our international students want refugees scholarships available similar to so many other institutions and concerns surrounding the PREVENT agenda highlighted by students wanting their freedom of speech to be left intact
  • Organised Diversity Week: a week of events requested by students. We organised and hosted an International Quiz Night, a Ladies Only ceilidh (as requested by Muslim Society and Womens Group and meeting our Safe Space values), a Trans and Body Image Talk and a self-defence class
  • Involved in Wellbeing Week planning with the Sports Union- there will be a Mindfulness and Meditation Taster Session in week 5, a Depressed Cake Shop activity, as well as Advice Hub Meet and Greets and special Valentine’s Day cards