Posted 98 Months Ago
What are the Student Elections
The Student Elections are held every year and give Heriot-Watt students the opportunity to vote for which students represent them within the Student Union.
What is the Student Union?
The Student Union is made up of elected students who represent other Heriot-Watt students. We're here to make your time at Heriot-Watt the best it can be. Whether that's standing up for you to the university or offering free help in our Advice Hub. Or running the only (and best!) bar on campus. All these things happen because of elected students.
Have you thought about joining us?
Nominations are open for the elections. You could be part of the new team that represents Heriot-Watt students and works on exciting initatives to improve the student experience. We have a variety of roles including full-time (paid) and part-time positions.
What's in it for me?
Being part of the Student Union will give you loads of great skills and experiences that will look amazing on your CV. You'll also meet loads of great people and join a thriving student community. You'll also be at the heart of making Heriot-Watt even better and helping all Heriot-Watt students. Plus if you join us as a sabbatical officer you'll enjoy a £16k annual salary. Not bad right?
Can I fit it around my studies?
Absolutely. Our part-time executive and officer roles fit perfectly around your studies. We're students too so we work around your university schedule.
Sounds great, how do I nominate myself?
Head over to and fill out the form. It only takes a minute and you could make a world of difference to Heriot-Watt students.
Posted 98 Months Ago
Written by Andrew Thornton
We're hiring at your Student Union. The Student Union elections are coming up soon and nominations are now open. So if you want to make helping students your full-time or part-time job, then step right up. There are paid and voluntary positions available. But which one should you choose? Take our Buzzfeed quiz and find out which one is right for you! Then when you've found your dream job - visit to nominate yourself and learn more about the positions.
Posted 98 Months Ago
Written by Andrew Thornton
Find out more about the part-time positions available that fit around your studies
Posted 98 Months Ago
Hello everyone, Do you have a bicycle? Did it cost you a lot of money? Did you buy a lock that only cost a fiver? Then please buy a good lock. On Sunday the Campus Security stopped two professional thieves from stealing two very expensive bicycles on campus, it didn’t take them long to get through the cheap lock and they wouldn’t have been caught if they hadn’t tried to cut through the expensive lock on one of the bicycles. You can get a good lock from any bicycle store in town. I mean, you wouldn’t leave your phone in a park with no password or security, so if it’s worth money why make it easy to steal? We are working on a joint project for bicycle safety on campus with Security andTransition Heriot-Watt (with a video on how easy locks are to cut though) so keep your eyes peeled! In other news, the Staff Credit Union is going to be offering new cheap loans to students very soon but we need students to help run it so we are looking to start a new Credit Union Society, where students could join and volunteer for a few hours and learn how to market a business, book-keeping, loan assessment, risk management, auditing and so much more. This society would be the first of its kind in the UK and is on the cutting edge of Ethical Finance. If you want to get involved then just email me at: The Learning and Teaching Oscars are still open and we have boxes and paper forms available for you all in the Learning Commons, Library, Student Union Reception, the Student Union shop, and the James Nasmyth submission area. You can also fill it in at: Election nominations are also open and you could be the next President! If you fancy it then check out the website for more information: The National Student Survey (NSS) is open for final year students and you can have your say about the university and your course. By the way, if you don’t fill it in they will give you a ring (many times until you do!) The data from the survey is used by the university to work on the things you say, to improve the student experience for the students that follow you. For those of you in Halls of Residence, deliveries from Amazonhas been terrible for the last wee while, but did you know that if you don’t sign for it then the contract isn’t fulfilled and you can get a replacement straight away if your parcel doesn’t arrive? We are currently working on somewhere for all parcel companies to deliver to but in the meantime be careful what you put as your address and if you don’t get it then chase up Amazon, etc. ASAP. We also have the Amazon Lockers in the Student Union if you need somewhere safe for those socks from Amazon to be delivered to. The National Union of Students Scotland are running a one-day event to discuss the range of housing issues, and ideas to solve them: from high rents and low standards, to guarantor schemes and co-ops. It’s this Saturday in Stirling University Student Union (only a wee train ride away). If you want to register for it then go to: Cheers, Diarmuid |