NUS Scotland Conference

Posted 97 Months Ago

This year’s National Union of Students Scotland Conference will be held this Friday and Saturday in Dundee. This will be where decisions will be made on the future work and direction of NUS Scotland.

Heriot-Watt University have five delegates who will be representing you, the students of Heriot-Watt University.

Diarmuid Cowan Eloise McNeaney Aoife Clarke Iain Lawson Craig Gillen

In order to be open and transparent we are holding an open meeting in Committee Room 1 in the Student Union between 12 and 2pm on Thursday 23rd March.

We know that not all our students can make it, so if you want to know more the conference documents and manifestos of those running for Officer positions can be accessed at: so if you are from Orkney or Galashiels or cannot make the meeting you can send you comments or views to me at


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Student Elections 2017

Posted 97 Months Ago

That’s it, Elections are over for another year. As you may have noticed over the past two weeks across campus, The Union has been participating in its yearly election cycle, with students nominating themselves and campaigning to become your elected representatives.

Voting opened at 8am on Wednesday 8th of March and closed on Friday the 10th at 4pm. Now the votes have been cast and collected and your representatives have been officially elected. To find out who was elected to what position please visit

This year saw our biggest ever voter turnout, with 22% (up 1.5% from last year and 10% from the year before that) of the Heriot-Watt student population taking part in our democratic process. With 22%, Heriot-Watt currently has the biggest voter turnout in Scotland, so well done to everyone who cast their vote.

It’s really important that students vote and get involved in electing their representatives. This process ensures your elected representatives can be held accountable to you and fight for your rights, needs and be a voice for you within the University and beyond.

A big thank you to everyone who took part and we hope you stay involved throughout the year and in the future. 

Student Union statement on University's Voluntary Redundancy Scheme

Posted 98 Months Ago

We hope you have all seen the email from the Principal that recently went out to all students. If not then please go look at it.

The Student Union Sabbatical Officers had a meeting with the Principal and Senior Management of the University to discuss this matter and they have confirmed that there will be no closure of any campus. They have also stated that all possible care and diligence will be made to ensure that the experience of you, the students, will not be adversely affected. There will not be closure of any programmes for students either.

The aim of the voluntary redundancy scheme is to save on future, rather than current expenditure, but the University, with the Student Union keeping a careful watch on this, will strive to ensure that the impact is minimal.

We understand that the University is facing a difficult financial position and we will do all we can to ensure that you, the students, are not adversely affected by these changes.

The Student Union Executive


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Wellbeing Week

Posted 98 Months Ago

The Student Union has organised some great treats for our students as part of Wellbeing Week (Week 8).
From Therapets to petting alpacas and from dancing to yoga - we've had it all! 

Our favourite dogs returned for cuddles and petting and for the first time ever we welcomed Bobcat Alpacas to the campus. They roamed around outside the Union as students flocked down to walk, pet, cuddle and get selfies with them! 

The purpose of this week was to provide some events and support to help students out during this stressful time of the semester with deadlines looming etc.

Keep going guys, you're doing great! You're nearly there.

Big love,

Your Student Union