Posted 106 Months Ago
On Friday 24 June members of the University and College Union (UCU) will be on strike as a result of a dispute between UCU and the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA). The dispute is over academic and associated staff pay and contract conditions. Staff have been offered a 1.1% pay increase but UCU believes successive below inflation awards has resulted in a real terms pay cut of 14.5% since 2009. This Friday will be the third day of industrial action called by the UCU under this dispute.
When the first strike was called the Student Union Executive Committee voted to support the UCU position because we believe that valued and motivated teaching staff are vital to a positive student experience for our members. Because of this we believe our teaching staff deserve to be paid fairly.
This day is also the day of three graduation ceremonies. The University decided that, due to our stance, it would not be possible for the Student Union to participate in the graduation ceremonies. There is no wish for the current discord to mar the celebrations. During the industrial action the Student Union has been working with UCU and the University to ensure that the industrial action has a minimal impact on students. Since this latest strike was called we have met with the University and want to reassure you that the graduation ceremonies on Friday will not be affected.
The Student Union is aware that some members received an email from UCU urging graduates to not attend their graduation ceremony on Friday. The Student Union believes that our members have the right to graduate without any interference in this way. We therefore want to make it clear that, while we support the principles of the UCU’s dispute with the UCEA, we do not support this call to boycott the graduation ceremonies.
With this in mind, we would like to share with you our graduation speeches:
“Good Morning fellow classmates! Just wanted to say it is an honour, a very strange honour to be up here addressing you today when I am your equal, your classmate, I don’t really know what I should be saying. I’m Eloise, for those who managed to avoid my extensive poster campaigns and I’ve been elected as one of the new Student Union Vice Presidents. So while I continue to be held captive by Heriot Watt, today is the day you are all set free. You will embark on the next exciting, and challenging chapter of your lives. Maybe some of you will keep studying, some will travel and most will start work – fingers crossed, should have used that free careers service! Wherever we all go next, we will always have Heriot-Watt in common and that is what we are here to celebrate today.
Today is all about us and the amazing accomplishments we have achieved in four years- or for some of you show offs- three. I want you to take a moment and just look at all of the grinning faces around you. You did it. We did it. We have survived countless all-nighters and last minute submissions, countless chicken boxes for lunch from Central, countless nights out in Shanghai celebrating sporting victories, countless ‘posh’ jokes for some of you as we were the first year to get the fancy Christina miller halls and most importantly we have made countless memories with the friends who have made our time here truly unforgettable. Congratulations fellow students. We are finally graduating.
Now I’m sure not all of the parents and loved ones in the crowd here were always filled with confidence about our academic success. This may have been due to the sheer amount of stress, tears, begging for money and drunken party stories you had to endure. This day is an opportunity to celebrate the support you gave each of us as well as our own success. Congratulations to all the friends and family here, you should be so proud, look at the wonderful people you have supported.
Speaking of support, none of us would be here right now if it wasn’t for the incredible teaching staff. We are here today to commemorate our academic success, but also to thank those who have been here to teach us, inspire us and be there in our times of need. So thank you Heriot watt lecturers and support staff!
So I suppose I should say good luck to everyone! But I would like to emphasise that luck is not random. Luck is preparation and a destined moment colliding. Basically, everything you dream of can be dropped into your lap but if you don’t have the tools to take advantage then it’s going to pass you by. I would say Heriot Watt will play a very important role in the equation of your lives and when luck hands you an opportunity I have total faith that using the knowledge, skills and experiences you have learnt on this campus you will be able to grab it with both hands.
So class of 2016… Well done, good luck and enjoy the rest of your day!”
“Well, here we are, it is our graduation day. Only a few weeks ago we were putting in the hours in the library, finishing up our final essays and, occasionally, day-dreaming of the sunshine just past the window. It doesn’t feel like years has passed, but merely months, living in halls not so long ago (when we didn’t know Hive was a thing). Our time here has allowed us to develop as people, to become independent and start to strike out on our own paths, to wherever that may lead.
You have all worked incredibly hard to be here and you should all be so proud of what you have achieved. All those long hours and late nights have paid off and now you can celebrate here today with friends, family, and loved ones. You have tried so many new things, be it sports, societies or part-time work, met new and interesting people, and also made friends you will likely have for the rest of your lives.
Yet not all the credit goes to us, as we should also thank our family and friends for their help and support throughout our time here. For the quick cash fix when the overdraft looms, when we need some emotional support, or for the notes of that lecture you missed. You can now gloat at how well those you have supported have done.
We should thank the staff too, for their tireless support and hard work to ensure that we have exceeded in our academic endeavours. They have us guided through our time here, be it through patiently breaking down a problem into a solution, or giving you advice on courses. So, please join me in offering our sincere thanks and appreciation for all their hard work.
Heriot-Watt was the first university in Scotland to present awards to staff at Graduation, as a direct thank you from students. Universities across Scotland, and, indeed, in the United Kingdom and beyond, are now taking our lead. The Student Union has developed the Learning and Teaching Oscars from the original Graduate awards presented in 2007. They have grown into an array of awards that students nominate members of staff for, be they lecturers or support staff, and seek to highlight the truly excellent Learning and Teaching experience we have at Heriot-Watt.
As one of the key awards in the Learning and Teaching Oscars, the Graduates Teaching Award has continued to grow and has increased in significance, both to the student body and the teaching staff at Heriot-Watt.
This year we received over 500 nominations from students wishing to spread what they know about how great their lecturers are. They felt the impact the staff had on them and wanted it to be recognised. So put forward these nominations, which were detailed, often touching, moving, and so full of praise. Deciding on the winner was a difficult task and took a lot of debate, discussion and deliberation, as each and every staff member nominated had touched so many students lives and made such a good impact on those students’ time here. How do you pick from among so many good apples?
However, there can only be one winner. Therefore, I would like to invite you all to join me now in congratulating and showing your appreciation for the winner of the Graduates Teaching Award 2016, for the School of Management and Languages, Fanny Chouc.
Fanny is one of the most supportive lecturers to be taught by, and students know that if they have any problems they can go to her and she’ll make time for them to help out, be it an academic or personal problem. She pushes students to reach their full potential and has provided invaluable careers advice to them. Fanny’s approachable nature, and dedication to improving the student experience makes me proud to present her with the Graduates Teaching Award 2016. Thank you (hopefully the sun will come and join us but as it is Scotland don’t hold your breath!)”
As you can see there was to be a Graduates Award for Fanny Chouc. Although the award is in the programme, it will instead be presented in the November SML graduations ceremony. We regret that this is the case but this is a matter of principle and it is unfortunate that the award will not be presented that day.
Posted 107 Months Ago
The seventh annual Learning & Teaching Oscars took place on Wednesday 11th May 2015 in the Student Union. The awards themselves were attended by 60 staff and students from across the University, who were invited to join the Student Union for an evening of food and celebration.
The six winners and their awards were:
o Thinkers Award – Pablo la Porte (SML)
o Feedback Award – Bruce Roberts (TEX)
o Guiding Hand Award – Tessa Berg (MACS)
o Switched On Award – Michelle Rae (TEX)
o Support Staff Award – Lucy Welsh (TEX)
o Refreshing Award – Michaela Dewar (SLS)
The Student Union and University share common ground in deeply valuing the hard work that many of our academic and support staff carry out on a day to day basis, and the Learning & Teaching Oscars has remained the highlight of the academic calendar for seven years running.
For more information on the Learning & Teaching Oscars please contact our Student Engagement Manager, Denise McCaig on
Posted 107 Months Ago
UCU National Strike Action 25th-26th May
Heriot-Watt Student Union is aware of the ongoing pay dispute between the University & College Union (UCU) and the Universities and Colleges Employers’ Association (UCEA), following an offer from UCEA for a 1.1% pay raise for higher education (HE) staff. UCU believes there has been a real terms pay cut of 14.5% suffered by staff in HE since 2009, and as a result their members have voted to engage in a 2 day national strike on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th May. HE staff will also begin working to contract from 25th May, and should further negotiations fail to produce a suitable outcome then there will be further strike action organised for the upcoming months.
The Student Union discussed the issue at the most recent executive committee meeting on Thursday 12th May. We value the incredible work that many of our staff put in above and beyond their usual contracted work, and understand that well motivated teaching staff ensure a positive student experience. We believe that our lecturers deserve to be paid fairly.
The Student Union executive committee voted to support the strike action led by UCU, and to call on the University to ensure that our students suffer little to no disruption. We urge both the UCEA and UCU to reengage in their negotiations, as we urgently need to see a fair and sustainable outcome in order to preserve a strong academic experience for our students.
If you have any questions about the decision, please contact the Student Union President on
Posted 108 Months Ago