Posted 102 Months Ago
Written by Andrew Thornton
Hello everyone,
Next month there is a National Demonstration in London on Saturday 19th November by NUS and UCU against the marketisation of education. We are planning buses to take students to London alongside students from Edinburgh University, Queen Margaret University, and Edinburgh Napier to reduce costs for all of us collectively.
We will be aiming to fundraise too over the next few weeks so please do donate if you can, or even ask your lecturer if they will sponsor a place for you to attend! If you are interested and want to be involved then please do get in touch with us on Facebook, via email, or at our Ask Me Anything on Tuesdays on the Bridge-link.
For all you Combined Studies students, applications for a Combined Studies Officer position are still open and will close by 5pm on Friday 28th October. Make a cool £150 a semester representing students!
It is also Black History Month and we have a great display in the Student Union lobby at the minute. There are also a number of events on so keep your eyes peeled!
On the fun side, we have a Harry Potter Party this Saturday in the Student Union so come and down and sorted into your House, come and catch some Golden Snitches and dodge some Bludgers, and feel like you have had some Felix Felicis! At £2 entry, what have you got to lose?
Diarmuid Cowan
Posted 102 Months Ago
Our Student Union owls have been distributing letters in halls of residences and around the campus. We have spare invitations at Student Union Reception or you can pick up your e-letter below.
Dear Heriot-Watt Students,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary equipment. Term begins on 29th October, 10.30PM.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
★ A Very Potter Halloween Party★
The cheapest and best Halloween Party in town. Students should expect:
☆ Sorting Hat On Arrival
☆ Free Candy Buffet
☆ Hogwarts House Cocktail Deals
☆ Battle of the Halls & Society Slam Points
☆ Zeros (Great Hall): House/Pop
☆ Marauder's Map Scavenger Hunt
☆ Prizes for Best Dressed and Potter Look-a-like.
☆ 100 Golden Chocolate Snitches Giveaway
£2 Entry (All money will be going towards the final exam blowout event at the end of term.)
First-year students will require:
1. One fancy dress costume of your choice (Points mean Prizes).
2. Valid ID (Passport or Driving
3. One winter cloak (It’s getting nippy out there folks).
Students may also
Posted 102 Months Ago
Posted 102 Months Ago
Today marks the close of the Student Union's mental health awareness week.
Over the last five days the Union has put on a number of different events and activities to help raise awareness of the issue of mental health. From providing our 'Chillout Zone' where students could relax and get away from the hustle of busy lectures through to to mindfulness taster sessions including yoga and meditation.
We also saw the return of our beloved Therapets which involved a lot of calming cuddles with our friendly pooches! Additionally we had self-defence classes and our crafts carnival.
We also got students talking about mental health through our Bridge Link stall where you could write on our whiteboard "Why you needed mental heath awareness". Oh and naturally there was free chocolate.
And we literally put an elephant in the room. Ok so it was a student in a costume but he roamed around the lecture theatres causing a stir. This was to promote our 'Elephant in the Room' campaign. Talking about mental health is often seen as the elephant in the room. People don't want to talk about it, but it's there! So let's end the stigma, and keep talking about it.
Now that mental health awareness week is over, it doesn't stop there. If you're having difficulties then don't suffer in silence. Come speak with the Union's Advice Hub in the Hugh Nisbet Building. Our lovely students advisers are here to listen and can signpost you towards all the support services that are available within the University.