We are YOUR Student Union.

Posted 90 Months Ago

You may have noticed some familiar faces on the walls around campus this week. These are all real students at Heriot-Watt… and, just like you, they are members of the Student Union.

“What has the Student Union actually done for me?” Oh, you’ve no idea how hearing that breaks our hearts. Because you’re a member, we want to look after you. Being a member means:

  • You can use all our services – the Shop, Geordies and Liberty’s, the Advice Hub… all there just for you.
  • We care about your wellbeing – so we bring you Alpacas to cuddle and organise talks and workshops to make you feel better.
  • We’ve got your backs – if you’re being treated unfairly, we’ll send in our troops.
  • We think you deserve the very best – from the push for more study space at all eateries to the new microwaves all over campus, we’re always looking for little ways to improve your uni life.

We are here for you. We are Your Student Union.


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By-Election Results

Posted 90 Months Ago

Massive thank you to everyone who voted in the Student Elections over the past few days! You’ve helped make a difference for all the students at Heriot-Watt. And now the results are in! We’re very pleased to announce that the winners are:

Halls Officer: Stuart Beaton
Postgraduate Officer: Vijetha Mohan
NUS Scotland Delegate: Aashna Bakshi, Hugo Barker, Aoife Clarke, Gordon Jack
NUS National Delegate: Aashna Bakshi, Hugo Barker

Congratulations! We can’t wait to see what you’ll achieve in your new roles.

To see the full results, visit www.hwunion.com/elections/results

Animal Therapy

Posted 91 Months Ago

October sees Heriot-Watt celebrate Diversity Month, and as part of this, we are bringing back the ever popular alpacas and the always cuddly Therapet dogs!

The alpacas are on campus on Thursday 5th October, and you can sign up to spend time with them here   http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f4bacab29a2f49-alpaca

The dogs are on campus on Tuesday 10th October, and you can sign up to spend time with them here:  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090944aba922a7fe3-therapets4


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Freshers Feedback

Posted 91 Months Ago

So Freshers Week seems like a distant memory right?! 

Think you can cast your mind back a week or two, and let us know how you think it went? Our survey gives us vital feedback to help us make next year even bigger and better!

Just click the link below to start - plus at the end you can give us your email address and be entered in to our prize draw to win an exclusive Freshers Week 17 Mug and Sunglasses!


Thanks for your help!


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