Posted 92 Months Ago
Summer is a time for going on adventures, catching up with friends and catching up on sleep you missed in the previous semester. But two Heriot-Watt students have spent their summer beavering away working on a creation we know you're all going to enjoy - the Student Union's very own app, HWUnion!
HWUnion lets you have everything you'll ever want to know about the Union in your pocket.
What more could you want? The app is available to download for iOS and Android HERE.
Alternatively, if you're a fancy tech wizard you can scan the little code here:
The app is still very new and its creators are always keen for feedback. If you have a comment, question or idea, email or Help us make this even better for you!
Posted 94 Months Ago
Over the summer, our shop on campus is undergoing a make-over to make it even better!
Once completed the shop will have a new look, new layout and some exciting new products on offer.
We'd like thank everyone in advance for your patience while the works take place, as there will be times when the shop will be closed or operating on a much smaller scale. We're trying to make sure there is as little disruption as possible for you, but some dates you might like to take note of are...
Friday 14th - Monday 17th July - Shop Closed for major works
Tuesday 18th July onwards - Shop will be open on a smaller scale
We'll keep everyone updated via our social media channels as the work progresses - but we hope you'll be excited about the changes as we are!
Posted 94 Months Ago
The Student Union would like to reiterate their concern over any move towards Compulsory Redundancies of staff. The Student Union firmly believe that Compulsory Redundancy would be damaging to the University. The negative impact on staff morale would have a detrimental impact on our students. The Student Union will continue to voice their concerns as is our right as an independent body. We have made our viewpoint clear at the highest levels of the University.
We will continue to work with the University and all the Trade Unions as and when required but our membership remains the student body of Heriot-Watt University.
This is a difficult time for everyone but we must highlight that the University is not closing or removing any discipline nor campus, as is the case for other institutions.
The University has not stated it will be enforcing Compulsory Redundancies and we reserve the right to review our position should the University’s position change. We will continue to be vigilant on the matter. We will continue to work with all parties to ensure that the best position is reached for all of Heriot-Watt University.
The Heriot-Watt University Student Union Executive
Posted 94 Months Ago
School of Mathematical and Computer Science - Gavin Reid
Gavin is enthusiastic, friendly and passionate about his subject. Students appreciate Gavin’s real world experience, his contacts with the industry, his innovative quizzes and interactive learning materials (and the chocolate prizes he gives out). More than this students appreciate that Gavin knows them all by name and is approachable at any time. This personal touch has helped them get through the last 4 years and made Gavin a worthy winner of the Graduates Teaching Award 2017.
School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure, and Society - Laurent Galbrun
Laurent is one of the most supportive lecturers, students know that he is always there for them, and available to answer any question. He is very organised, and his lecture notes and supporting material on Vision is always up-to-date and packed with useful information. One student summed Laurent up by saying ‘he knows how to excite students and makes them want to learn more.’ Laurent’s approachable nature, and dedication to improving the student experience makes me proud to present him with the Graduates Teaching Award 2017.
School of Social Sciences – Jose Conde
Jose is a very prominent figure for LINCS students, being the staff rep for the department, a Spanish lecturer, the Erasmus+ rep, and also an open ear for students. He is always kind and considerate but knows when a bit of harsh truth is needed to solve an issue. All the extra hours he puts in should be recognised, particularly all the support his gives students. He has a great sense of humour which makes his classes really enjoyable, ensuring to be inclusive while also rigorous, helping students get the most, both academically and personally from his efforts. His is a joy to be around.
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences - Tadgh O’Donovan
Tadgh works hard to ensure his students are engaged in every lecture. He uses creative techniques to help students understand his lecture material and uses innovative technology to enthuse his students about what they are learning. He also goes to the students to communicate, using social media to get feedback and discuss material with students, and strives to support his students personally. His students say he has the most interesting lectures and the most productive tutorials. Tadgh keeps his students on their toes, ensuring that they leave his classes with what they need to know, but also keeps an open forum in his lectures through humour to build the confidence of his students.
School of Textile and Design - Lisa Macintyre
Lisa is a refreshing burst of energy in Galashiels. She uses her own experiences, experiments, storytelling, and funny metaphors to enlighten and entertain students, and makes textiles accessible and enjoyable for textiles and non-textiles students alike. She is dedicated, passionate, and enthusiastic during her lectures, which is contagious and motivates students to go the extra mile. Her knowledge and breadth of research helps students to make their own research the best it can be. Lisa is always there to help as soon as there is the smallest problem, and is always willing to meet with students about concerns, and always has thoughtful advice. As one student put it, Lisa is an overall fab lecturer.