
Reducing, reusing and recycling is becoming increasingly important in the UK. Landfill sites around Scotland and the rest of the UK are under increasing pressure from the high quantity of waste getting sent to them. The Union knows how important the environment is and how important it is to recycle as much as we can. This is why we are working to ensure that the University and the Union provide the right facilities for you to recycle all your recyclable materials. You can recycle you old phone for charity by picking up a charity bag from the union reception. Alternatively you can send your old phones to who will give you cash for your old phone!

You can you recycle these materials on campus:

  • Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Cans
  • Glass
  • Batteries (in the student shop)
  • Cartridges (General office in the union)

Recycle some of your old clothes, CD’s, DVD’s and make some money located on Clerk street in Edinburgh (pick up available if you have to much stuff to recycle). Or you can donate goods to charity through RAG, the Union charity group.

The Union is also working with the University to have composters around campus and at the Union building.

Details of the recycling points on campus are found at