Posted 100 Months Ago
Here are our holiday opening times over the Christmas break:
17th, 18th Dec | 10am – 2pm |
19th -23rd Dec | 8am – 3pm |
24th Dec – 3rd Jan | Closed |
4th - 6th Jan | 8am – 3pm |
7th & 8th Jan | 10.30am till 9pm |
16th Dec | 11am – 9pm |
17th Dec – 6th Jan | Closed |
7th, 8th Jan | Midday – 10pm |
16th Dec – 8th Jan | Closed |
Advice Hub
22nd Dec - 3rd Jan | Closed |
4th - 6th Jan | 10am - 4:30pm |
Reception / Offices
19th – 23rd Dec | 9am – 5pm |
24th Dec – 3rd Jan | Closed |
4th – 6th Jan | 9am – 5pm |
7th & 8th Jan | Closed |
Posted 101 Months Ago
"How do I feel? Empty? Check. Scared? Check. Alone. Check. Just another ordinary day."
- Mark Corrigan
Exams can suck, we know. They can be stressful experiences but there's lots of support available and steps that you can take to ease the pressure.
Here are some top tips to help you power through your exams. Remember, you're all at
1. First of a little bit of stress is perfectly natural and helps to motivate us to knuckle down and hit the library. It's important you keep your stress levels under control so that it doesn't become a
2. Sleep well - make sure you wind down before bed and don't revise in bed. Your bed should be a sanctuary, not a desk. Get your 8 hours! If you've got an exam the next day then stop revising an hour or so before bed and wind down with a good book, your
3. Have an exam day plan - make sure you know where you're going and what seat number you're in. You can check out your number here. If you've got a 9am exam then make sure your alarm is set nice and early and that you know how you're getting to uni bearing in mind the rush hour traffic. Lay out your clothes and make sure you've got all the equipment you
4. Eat right - Whilst it's tempting to binge on chocolate and crisps, try and eat well and have lots of fruit & vegetables to fuel your body. Don't skip breakfast, especially if you've got a 9am exam!
5. Quit the bad habits - Smoking & alcohol won't do your revision any good and won't help to de-stress you long term. Also, hangovers + revision don't work well!
6. Avoid comparing with your mates - Discussing with your friends about how revision is going is good but don't let it become a competition. If your mate produce endless mind maps and pages of notes and you don't have any - don't freak. Everybody approaches revision in different ways and you should do what is the best approach for you. Ditto after the exam, avoid a post-
7. Get some exercise - Being a sloth makes our minds sloppy too. So try and build in some physical exercise to your revision schedule, even if that's just a quick 30 minute run in the morning or a group exercise class.
8. "What if I draw a blank in an exam?" A lot of students worry about this. The reality is you won't forget everything you've ever learned. Just take a minute to breathe & think and things will start to come back to you. If you're struggling, move onto the next question and come back to it.
9. Panicking in an exam? Sit back for a moment and control your breathing. Deep breathe in and out through the nose, counting to five each way.
10. Recognise when exam stress is a problem - If you're experiencing difficulty in getting to sleep, constant tiredness, poor appetite, increased anxiety, headaches, blurred vision or dizziness then your exam stress might be getting a bit much. Know when it's time to take a break and chill out for a bit. Do take breaks and talk with friends or family.
11. And remember....the sun will still rise after an exam. They are only exams and there is a life beyond them!
The Student Union's Advice Hub are here to help if you have exam stress worries.
E-mail if you want to book an appointment or drop in 12.30-4pm.
There are also exam stress drop in sessions being run by Student Support (The University) in their office (Hugh Nisbet Building) between the 5th to 16th December 1400 – 1500. There's no need to book - just pop along.
Posted 101 Months Ago
The Big Wheel is up in town, the Christmas markets are open and the red cups at Starbucks have arrived. It can only mean one thing...CHRISTMAS HAS ARRIVED!
We know it might suck right now as you sit revising in the library with your
Posted 101 Months Ago
Exams are looming and stress levels are rising on campus. Do not
Your furry and friendly friends are returning to help you combat exam stress.
You can book a session with one of the sociable dogs for lots of cuddles and
Spaces are limited so please book a session using the sign-up link below. Sessions run from 11.30am-1.30pm on 1 December in Zeros (Student Union).
Scan the QR code to go to the Facebook event
Presented by the Union's Advice Hub - your free and impartial advice stop