Posted 101 Months Ago
If you've not seen the video yet - check it out below!
Posted 101 Months Ago
First of all, we'd like to say
The Big Ask
Exams are coming
It's everybody's favourite time of the year as everybody gets their head down for revision.
Exam timetables are available from if you've not already seen yours.
Exams can suck we know. If you're feeling stressed or worried about exams then pop into the Union's Advice Hub (Hugh Nisbet building, next to the Shop) and our student advisers will be able to offer help and advice. The Advice Hub will also be producing the famous exam stress packs to help you cope with the big day(s) so look out for those soon. Or if you want to help make them up, they're looking for volunteers!
Study Space
If you're looking for a PC on campus to help you study, did you know that you can use the PC Lab Availability website? That way you don't need to trek all over campus looking for a free one!
The library can get pretty busy over exam period so be sure to check out the alternative places that you can study. Head to the Information Services website to see all the places that are open for studying in.
NUS/UCU Demonstration against the marketisation of education (London, on Saturday)
There's not long left until your Student Union and Heriot-Watt students alongside the other Edinburgh universities head down to London to take part in the NUS/UCU demonstration. If you want to join us, there's still time - tickets (just 2 left!) are £10 from the SU Reception and cover your seat down to London and back up again.
Coming up
Take a break from all that studying and join us for:
- Pub Quiz: Every Thursday from 7.30pm in Geordies
- Mannequin Challenge: 21st November at 5pm in
- Drama Society presents 'Shrek-ish': November 21st to 26th in Zeros from 7.30pm
- Helping to make up the Exam Stress packs for the Hub: 25th November, From 10am to 4pm
- Heriot-Watt Jazz Band free concert: 25th November, 12.15pm
Posted 102 Months Ago
Here are some (real University Challenge) questions to get you started:
A1: Kidney
A2: Linux
A3: ETA [eet-a]
Posted 102 Months Ago
The Big Ask is a Student Union survey where you can tell us how it is. What do you think of your Student Union?
Tell us what we're doing well and what we could improve on. There's a chance to directly change your Student Union and win £200 + 15 Amazon vouchers.