Posted 111 Months Ago
As your Vice president Wellbeing, I work around improving your Welfare and Equal Opportunities and representation. I have spent a great deal of time engaging new students into groups and activities, and throwing events to educate and empower students- check out week 1’s Liberation activities and our Diversity Week!
1. At the meeting it was discussed myself and Welfare exec shall create a charity donation base at the Union for the refugee crisis (REACTIVE). This is a project that means a lot to many of our students who come from so many different places around the world, and really want to give donations in helping refugees fleeing from poverty and war
2. I am working with International Students Group about refugee scholarships (other universities provide these). I have passed the following research onto the university: : Dundee University have a working group with aims for at least one Scholarship per school; Stirling University are financially supporting a PhD student from Palestine and have a fee waivering scheme for Syrian refugees; Middlesex University have agreed to house and school refugees, University of East London, and Sussex University have scholarships, Essex University has a fund for refugees, Warwick University has 20 scholarships over two years, Sheffield Hallam University are working to provide yearly scholarships to asylum speakers and refugees, and finally Goldsmiths University have gotten 6 this year for Syrians and have 2 others for Palestinians and one for war trauma, they have a business case for the 6 new ones that was put forward to senior management for funding to waive accommodation and tuition plus a £10,000 living bursary throughout UG and PG studies. Our students urge the university to do the same.
3. I am also working on GLOBAL DAY with the International students committee. This year we have seen whole new kinds of engagement with students from around the world, especially transfer students from Dubai. We are hoping to host a magnificent day to celebrate our students from around the world and currently are actively seeking students to participate.
Posted 111 Months Ago
My name is Miranda and I’m your Vice-President Community. What does this mean? I work full time after having graduated from Heriot-Watt and I’m one of your representatives, specifically for the community on campus. This includes sitting on University Committee Meetings, ensuring decisions which are made by the University are in your best interests. Alongside this, I run Activities (societies, halls, charities), Events and any Campaigns that the Union is spearheading.
I’ve met with a contact for a variety of venues in town ranging from bars, clubs and restaurants to see if there are any deals we can offer with kickbacks to student groups and societies if they are looking for events venues. The variety of spaces is quite good and it could save societies money when they are looking to host an event somewhere whilst generating some cash for the Union.
Posted 111 Months Ago
Hello again! Seems like only last week I was working on my last update, not got quite as much to tell you this time but this is a round-up of what I’ve been doing:
Of course in between all this I’ve been attending plenty of meetings to keep up to date on what the University is up to, and all the while making sure your opinions are heard. If you want to grill me on anything I’m up to, or have a query about anything, make sure you get in touch on – speak soon! Hannah x
Posted 111 Months Ago
ISLAM AWARENESS WEEK: Thursday 11th- Thursday 18th February
We have Islam Awareness Week starting this Thursday!
Check out the full timetable of excellent events, open to all students and staff. This is your opportunity to learn something new and get involved in this weeks fun activities! There will be many stalls offering Henna, Hijabs and information, tours to Edinburgh Central Mosque, and a fantastic closing ceremony on the final night with comedians, musicians and food!
Join the facebook event here to keep up with details:
Like the Muslim Society Facebook page here:
Thursday 11th
Look Once Think Twice Stall, Link Bridge, 11am- 2pm
Does Islam need better PR with Yvonne Ridley. 6-7pm, Lecture Theatre 3, FREE
Is Islam the cause or the solution to extremism? With Hafiz Muhammad. 7pm- 8pm, Lecture Theatre 3, FREE
Monday 15th
Discover Islam Exhibition, 11am- 4pm Link Bridge
Welcome Lunch/General Meeting with University and Muslim community: 12-2pm, James Watt Centre 2, FREE
Talk: Islam and ISIS- How did a religion of peace come to be a tool for terror? With Yahya Barry. 6pm- 8pm, Lecture Theatre 3
Tuesday 16th
Discover Islam Exhibition- Women In Islam Exhibition. Henna and Hijab stall. 11am- 4pm , Link Bridge
Never seen a mosque? Come for the first time on this tour of Edinburgh Central Mosque! 12- 2pm. Get in touch with the society via the facebook event
Wednesday 17th
Discover Islam Exhibition. 11am- 4pm , Link Bridge
Never seen a mosque? Come for the first time on this tour of Edinburgh Central Mosque! 12- 2pm. Get in touch with the society via the facebook event
Thursday 18th
Look Once Think Twice: 11am- 2pm, Link Bridge
Multicultural Event, closing ceremony: 6-8pm, James Watt Centre. Tickets bought from: Muslim Society activities