Posted 122 Months Ago
The nominations have now closed, and we can announce the following candidates will be standing for election, to represent you, in the academic year 2015 / 16.
Voting in the Elections opens at 9am, Monday 9th March 2015.
President | Rowan Berry |
Mian Faisal Akbar | |
Hannah Frances | |
VP Community | Miranda Matoshi |
VP Support and E&D | Sahara Choudhury |
Marc Long | |
VP SBC | Peter Gilchrist |
Executive Committee (5 places) | Stephen Anderson |
Boye Asaba | |
Rowan Berry | |
Sheona Dorrian | |
Craig Gillen | |
Marc Long | |
Samuel Makori | |
Aditya Ravuri | |
Executive Committee (SBC) | Abbie Keenan |
Disabled Students Officer | Stephen Anderson |
Francesca Smart | |
Congratulations to the following candidates who have been automaticall elected as they were unopposed:
Charities Officer | Kealy Smith - Elected |
Halls Officer | Amiel Lopes - Elected |
International Officer | Qingfan Li - Elected |
LGBT+ Officer | Zoe Greener - Elected |
Postgraduate Officer | Jonathan Kean - Elected |
Women's Officer | Lamia Begic - Elected |
Posted 123 Months Ago
The Annual Fund supports student-related projects each year thanks to the generous donations of the University’s alumni and friends. Its aim is to enhance the student experience in all its aspects – academic, professional, social and artistic.
Apply now for an Annual Fund grant [link to pdf application form and application guidelines:]
The Annual Fund invites applications for projects that benefit individuals, groups or the student community as a whole. The deadline for this round of applications is Friday 3rd April 2015, 5.00pm. Find out more here [link to]
For further information and to receive an application form and guidelines by email, please contact:
Steve Watson, Annual Fund and Scholarships Officer:
Phone: 0131 451 3510
Posted 123 Months Ago
Monday 23rd February 6pm - 8pm, James Watt Centre 2
A Chinese New Year celebration will take place for staff and students in James Watt Centre II on Monday 23 February from 6.00pm till 8.00pm. The evening will be a wonderful celebration of Chinese culture, dress, music and food.
Tickets are £5 and include a drink and Chinese food. For tickets and further information please contact Scottish Confucius Institute for Business and Communication (Postgraduate Centre room 101). Tel no. 0131 451 8466 or 0131 451 84687; E-mail:
Posted 123 Months Ago
The Disability Service offers advice and support to students who have or think that they may have a disability. If you have not been in to see a Disability Advisor and you feel you need support or special exam arrangements please come in and make an appointment or alternatively you can email
Support cannot be implemented until you have met with a Disability Advisor. There is a cut-off date for putting exam adjustments in place.
The Disability Service (situated in the Student Support & Accommodation office opposite the bank) is open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm.